Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore
Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,
sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Matière première pour aliments pour chiensPour compléter l‘alimentation quotidienne à l‘alimentation crueL‘amarante est l‘une des plantes utiles les plus anciennes de l‘humanité. Il ne fait pas partie des graminée, comme les céréales normales, mais aux plantes de la queue de renard. Cela en fait l‘un des pseudo-céréales. L‘amarante est sans gluten et donc une excellente alternative pour les chiens qui sont nourris sans grain.- facile à digérer- en complément de la viande fraîche ou en conserveComposition: 100% Bio-Flocons d‘amarante inspection organique DE-ECO-001 Agriculture EUConstituants analytiques et teneurs: Protéine brute 13,5%, fibres brutes 2,5%Quantités recommandées:Versez le Fit-Barf Bio- Flocons d‘amarante dans l‘eau chaude, laissez-les gonfler pendant au moins 15 minutes, puis les nourrir avec de la viande fraîche ou en conserveJusqu‘à 10% de la quantité totale d‘aliment sous forme de flocons trempésPour le trempage, le rapport 1 partie en flocons et au moins 2 parties d’eau est recommandéÀ partir de 10 g de flocons secs, environ 30 g de flocons prêts à manger
Fit-BARF BM-Levure est composé de levure de bière liée à des germes de malt. La levure de bière contient de la biotine, de l'acide folique, du fer, du zinc et des oligo-éléments qui ont une influence positive sur l'état et la résistance de la peau et des cheveux. De même, la capacité de régénération des différentes cellules peut être influencée par l'alimentation. Les germes de malt se distinguent par leur teneur en hydrates de carbone facilement digestibles, en cellulose brute et en protéine brute. Grâce à leur teneur élevée en cellulose brute, les rootlets possèdent en outre une bonne valeur diététique.
Aliment complémentaire (flocons) pour chiensPour compléter la ration journalière en cas d‘alimentation à base de viande crue ou cuiteEN BREF: Mon chien peut-il manger des céréales? Oui, les chiens peuvent manger des céréales! La plupart des chiens trouvent les céréales super appétissantes.Fit-BARF CerealMix offre un changement sain dans la gamelle du chien. Il fournit à votre chien des fibres, des minéraux et des vitamines. Les fibres alimentaires favorisent la digestion et peuvent prévenir la constipation. riche en fibres alimentairesrassasiantconvient aux chiens de tous âges (jeunes, adultes, seniors) et de toutes racesComposition: flocons d‘avoine, flocons de maïs, flocons de millet, riz souffléConstituants analytiques: protéine brute 9,3%, matière grasse brute 5,2%, cellulose brute 2,1%, cendres brutes 1,1%Recommandation d‘alimentation: Jusqu‘à 10% de la quantité totale d‘aliments sous forme de flocons trempés. Faire tremper les flocons de céréales dans de l‘eau chaude (1 part de flocons, 4 parts d‘eau) pendant 30-60 minutes env., puis les mélanger au fourrage. 10 g de flocons secs correspondent à environ 30 g de flocons trempés.
Matière première (poudre) pour aliments pour chiens et chatsPour un apport adapté aux besoins en cas d‘alimentation avec de la viande bruteContrairement à la spiruline, la chlorella est en fait une algue et possède des parois cellulaires en cellulose. Elle doit son nom à sa teneur inhabituellement élevée en chlorophylle naturelle, qui peut soutenir les cellules en leur apportant de l‘oxygène et qui a en outre un fort potentiel d‘absorption des odeurs. La chlorophylle peut ainsi avoir un effet positif sur les odeurs corporelles et de la bouche désagréables. De par sa nature, l‘algue chlorella agit comme un fixateur naturel de toxines et lie les substances qui encombrent le corps afin de les évacuer ultérieurement de l‘organisme. En plus des vitamines, elle contient près de 19 acides aminés différents et des acides gras essentiels insaturés.Composition: 100% chlorella biologique de la culture biologique contrôlée. Centre de Contrôle Écologique DE-ÖKO-001, Agriculture non UE.Constituants analytiques: protéine brute 57,4%, matière grasse brute 10,5%, cendres brutes 5,4%Recommandation d‘alimentation: Ajouter quotidiennement au fourrage. Chats: 0,5 g/5 kg de poids corporel. Chiens: 0,5 g/10 kg de poids corporel. 1 quart de CàC correspond à ca. 0,7 g / 1 CàC correspond à ca. 3 g. Nous recommandons une durée d‘alimentation de 6 semaines.
Matière première (poudre) pour aliments des animaux pour chiens et chatsPour la fourniture orientée vers la demande en cas d‘alimentation avec de la viande bruteAscophyllum nodosum est également appelé Goémon noir. Grâce à sa teneur élevée en minéraux, oligo-éléments et vitamines, il constitue un excellent additif fourrage régulier. Ces ingrédients naturels fournissent non seulement à un approvisionnement optimal et naturel, mais font également ressortir de manière optimale la couleur du pelage spécifique à la race de votre animal. Le pelage bénéficie d‘un soutien nutritionnel et la teneur en iode contenue naturellement optimise le fonctionnement de la thyroïde.Composition: Ascophyllum nodosum 100%Constituants analytiques: protéine brute 6,6%, matière grasse brute 3,4%, cendres brutes 26,4%, iode 0,08%Recommandation d‘alimentation: Ajouter quotidiennement 0,25-0,5 g/10 kg de poids corporel au fourrage. Selon les besoins, la quantité de nourriture peut être augmentée. 1 quart de CàC correspond à env. 0,6 g.Ne pas donner à manger aux animaux souffrant d‘hyperthyroïdie!
Aliment complémentaire pour chiensFlocons de légumes non traités avec la patate douce Mélange équilibré de la carotte, la patate douce et la courgette.- Avec des ingrédients prébiotiques de patates douces pour soutenir une flore intestinale équilibrée- sans grains- Aucun additif chimique- La qualité des aliments- Produits doucement séchés- 1g de légumes secs correspond à 10g de produits fraisLes processus de séchage doux garantissent la réception presque complète de tous les composants présents, tels que les vitamines et les substances végétales secondaires.Composition: Carotte, patate douce 35%, la courgetteConstituants analytiques et teneurs: La protéine brute de 6,1%, matières grasses brutes 1,3%, fibres brutes 5,4%, 3,9% cendresQuantités recommandées: 2-4 % de la ration journalière totale de chienGonfler environ 10 minutes avant d‘alimenter la quantité requise donnée à l‘eau tiède.(Exemple de calcul: chien, poids corporel 20 kg, 400 - 600g rations quotidienne totale avec 80 - facteur 1:10 120g légumes frais lors du séchage par conséquent, d‘environ 8 - 12g légumes séchés sont nécessaires.)
Matière première pour aliments des animaux pour chiensPour compléter la ration quotidienne avec des aliments crus ou cuits - sans glutenFit-BARF Flocons de Pommes de Terre sont traités thermiquement en douceur et constituent ainsi un complément idéal à l‘alimentation quotidienne. Fabriqués à partir de pommes de terre précuites, ils sont faciles à digérer et conviennent donc particulièrement aux animaux sensibles et allergiques à la nourriture. Les flocons de pommes de terre constituent un complément à base de plantes naturel pour l‘alimentation à base de viande, qu‘il s‘agisse de viande fraîche, de viande congelée ou de viande en boîte. Un kilo de pommes de terre déshydratées équivaut à env. 10 kg de légumes frais.Composition: 100% flocons de pommes de terre traitées thermiquementConstituants analytiques: amidon 70%, cellulose brute 2,75%Recommandation d‘alimentation: Il suffit de mélanger les flocons avec de l‘eau chaude, de les laisser gonfler et de les mélanger ensuite au fourrage. Selon l‘activité et l‘âge, jusqu‘à 10% de la quantité totale du fourrage sous forme de flocons trempés. Pour le trempage, il est recommandé d‘utiliser la proportion de 1 part de flocons pour au moins 2 parts d‘eau. Avec 10 g de flocons secs, on obtient env. 30 g de flocons prêts à consommer. 1 CàS correspond à env. 4 g.Conserver au frai et au sombre!
Aliment complémentaire (liquide, fermenté) pour aliments pour chiens et chatsSoutien de la condition intestinale, en particulier en cas de flore intestinale perturbée par l‘alimentation et de problèmes digestifsL‘intestin contient des milliards de microorganismes minuscules. On distingue les bactéries pathogènes (agents pathogènes) et les bactéries bénéfiques pour la flore intestinale saine, comme les bactéries lactiques. Ces `bonnes‘ bactéries sont des auxiliaires assidus du système immunitaire et ont une influence positive sur les sucs digestifs, les enzymes et la muqueuse intestinale. Les agents pathogènes sont littéralement combattus et repoussés. De plus, une flore intestinale intacte assure une bonne digestion.Si la flore intestinale naturelle est perturbée, une colonisation excessive par des agents pathogènes peut se produire et le chien peut souffrir de diarrhée. Les traitements antibiotiques peuvent également porter atteinte à la fonction protectrice - souvent, les médicaments ne font pas la différence entre les `bonnes‘ et les `mauvaises‘ bactéries. La flore intestinale est perturbée, son mécanisme de défense ne fonctionne plus que de manière limitée et la paroi intestinale est affectée négativement.L‘ancêtre de notre chien - le loup - se nourrit donc également des organes digestifs de sa proie. Ils contiennent tous les micro-organismes nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la flore intestinale. Il n‘est pas toujours possible de donner de la panse ou de omasum fraîches. Même congelés, ils ne compensent pas le manque de précieuses bactéries et enzymes, car celles-ci sont détruites par la congélation. On peut très bien compenser ce manque avec des herbes fermentées. C‘est pourquoi il est recommandé de nourrir régulièrement les animaux avec Fit-BARF DarmFlora, même si la flore intestinale est perturbée par l‘alimentation ou en cas de problèmes digestifs.Éviction des bactéries pathogènesStimulation du système immunitaireAmélioration de la digestion des alimentsMaintien du péristaltisme intestinalComposition: ortie, echinacea, hibiscus, origan, menthe poivrée, stévia, graine de fenugrec, feuilles de plantain lancéolé, racine de réglisse, herbe d‘achillée, herbe de absinthe, racine de guimauve, thym, racine de rhubarbe palmée, anis, fenouil, feuilles de framboisier, racine de primevère officinale, marc de baies d‘aronia, racine de bugrane épineuse, feuilles de romarin, fleurs de tournesol, sel gemme, mélasse de canne à sucreConstituants analytiques: protéine brute 0,2%, cellulose brute 0,2%, matière grasse brute 0%, cendres brutes 0%, humidité 98,3%, sodium 0,03%Recommandation d‘alimentation: Ajouter 1,5-2 ml/5 kg de poids corporel au fourrage 1 x par jour pendant au moins 4-6 semaines. Ensuite, une nourriture régulière 1-2 x par semaine ou selon les besoins est recommandée.Conserver au frais et au sombre, protéger du gel!
Aliment complémentaire (liquide, fermenté) pour aliments pour chiens et chatsNouveau procédé de fabrication breveté - efficacité accrue grâce à une meilleure mobilité gastriqueSoutien nutritionnel de la flore intestinaleL‘intestin contient des milliards de microorganismes minuscules. On distingue les bactéries pathogènes (agents pathogènes) et les bactéries bénéfiques pour la flore intestinale saine, comme les bactéries lactiques. Ces `bonnes‘ bactéries sont des auxiliaires assidus du système immunitaire et ont une influence positive sur les sucs digestifs, les enzymes et la muqueuse intestinale. Les agents pathogènes sont littéralement combattus et repoussés. De plus, une flore intestinale intacte assure une bonne digestion.Si la flore intestinale naturelle est perturbée, une colonisation excessive par des agents pathogènes peut se produire et le chien peut souffrir de diarrhée. Les traitements antibiotiques peuvent également porter atteinte à la fonction protectrice - souvent, les médicaments ne font pas la différence entre les `bonnes‘ et les `mauvaises‘ bactéries. La flore intestinale est perturbée, son mécanisme de défense ne fonctionne plus que de manière limitée et la paroi intestinale est affectée négativement.L‘ancêtre de notre chien - le loup - se nourrit donc également des organes digestifs de sa proie. Ils contiennent tous les micro-organismes nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la flore intestinale. Il n‘est pas toujours possible de donner de la panse ou de omasum fraîches. Même congelés, ils ne compensent pas le manque de précieuses bactéries et enzymes, car celles-ci sont détruites par la congélation. On peut très bien compenser ce manque avec des herbes fermentées. C‘est pourquoi il est recommandé de nourrir régulièrement les animaux avec Fit-BARF DarmFlora plus, même si la flore intestinale est perturbée par l‘alimentation ou en cas de problèmes digestifs.Éviction des bactéries pathogènesStimulation du système immunitaireAmélioration de la digestion des alimentsMaintien du péristaltisme intestinalTuyau d‘expert: Particulièrement recommandé après l‘administration d‘antibiotiques et de vermifuges chimiques.Composition: ortie, echinacea, hibiscus, origan, menthe poivrée, stévia, graine de fenugrec, feuilles de plantain lancéolé, racine de réglisse, herbe d‘achillée, herbe de absinthe, racine de guimauve, thym, racine de rhubarbe palmée, anis, fenouil, feuilles de framboisier, racine de primevère officinale, marc de baies d‘aronia, racine de bugrane épineuse, feuilles de romarin, fleurs de tournesol, sel gemme, mélasse de canne à sucreConstituants analytiques: protéine brute 0,2%, cellulose brute 0,2%, matière grasse brute 0%, cendres brutes 0%, humidité 98,3%, sodium 0,03%Recommandation d‘alimentation: Ajouter 1,5-2 ml/5 kg de poids corporel au fourrage 1 x par jour pendant au moins 4-6 semaines. Ensuite, une nourriture régulière 1-2 x par semaine ou selon les besoins est recommandée.Conserver au frais et au sombre, protéger du gel!
Aliment complémentaire pour chiens et chatsPour la complémentation de la ration journalière avec des fruits, poudreFit- BARF Fruits est fabriqué à partir d‘ingrédients exquis pour permettre une alimentation équilibrée lors du nourrissage. Il complète la nécessité de vitamines (niacine, riboflavine (B2), acide folique, E, A, K, C), flavonoïdes (polyphénols) et fibres.Fit-BARF Fruits est sans céréales et constitue une alternative saine aux légumes. Il apporte non seulement de la variété, mais aussi un équilibre dans le régime alimentaire BARF. En combinaison avec Fit-BARF MicroMineral, on pose ainsi les bases d‘une alimentation crue saine.Composition: marc d’aronia, marc de pommes 20,5%, marc de fraise, marc de cassis, peaux de cynorrhodons, radicelles de malt, levure de bièreContituants analytiques et teneurs: cendres brutes 3,4%, protéine brute 11,0%, matières grasses brutes 6,1%, cellulose brute 25,9%, calcium 0,33%, phosphore 0,26%Recommandation d‘alimentation: 4 g/10 kg de poids corporel à ajouter à la nourriture 1-2 x par semaine. 1 CàC correspond à env. 2,4 g.
Contenu :
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Wir verwenden Youtube und Vimeo für unsere Produktvideos.
Wir verwenden OpenStreetMap als Anbieter, um Ihnen den Standort unserer Geschäfte und Händler visuell darzustellen.
Liste d'envies
Vidéo YouTube
Produkt Videos:
Wir verwenden Youtube und Vimeo für unsere Produktvideos.
Wir verwenden OpenStreetMap als Anbieter, um Ihnen den Standort unserer Geschäfte und Händler visuell darzustellen.
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
Shopware Analytics is an analytics service for tracking shopping behavior on this webshop, provided by shopware AG (Ebbinghoff 10, 48624 Schöppingen, Germany) in joint responsibility (see also the data protection information). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR. If data is stored locally, please refer to our privacy policy for further details on data processing.
The recipient of the data is shopware AG and IT service providers. Technologies used include local storage. The collected data includes customer group, pages visited, click paths, date and time of visit, information about the end device used (resolution, resolution density, operating system), referrer URL, information about the browser used, locale, search queries, time zone. The purpose of data collection is for marketing, analysis, and statistical purposes.
Data processing takes place within the European Union. If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at legal@shopware.com. Further information can be found at https://www.shopware.com/en/privacy/website.
Stored data:
Shopware Analytics adds the following information to your browser's local storage until consent is revoked: _swa_anonymousId (a unique identifier of the visitor), _swa_userTraits (user traits of the visitor).
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Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
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Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
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Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
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Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
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Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
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Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
Bing Maps
Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
Bing Maps
Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
Bing Maps
Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
Bing Maps
Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
Bing Maps
Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
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Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
Bing Maps
Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
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Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
Bing Maps
Erforderlich für die Packstation / Postfiliale Suche.
Bing Maps
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
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Google Tag Manager
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
Marketing Cookies werden von Drittanbietern oder Publishern verwendet, um personalisierte Werbung anzuzeigen. Sie tun dies, indem sie Besucher über Websites hinweg verfolgen.
Google Analytics & Google Ads
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
FAQ Youtube:
Dieses Cookie ist für die Wiedergabe von FAQ-Youtube-Videos erforderlich, die Cookies verwenden.
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